Working out is one of the best things you can do in life.

Working out has mental and physical health benefits, therefore working out can improve your life in various aspects.

Most people know that working out and doing exercises is the best way for weight loss. However, that is not why you should do it.

There is a misconception that overweight people only go to the gym when they decide they want to lose weight, which is true in most cases, but it does not mean this should be anyone’s main focus. Just like gaining weight for small or skinny people shouldn’t be the only goal set when starting a new lifestyle full of exercise.

First of all, the gym is not the only place for people to be more active, but it is a great place to start since it is a place full of experienced people you can ask for advice from.

So, what should be your goal when working out?

Many examples can be listed, such as:

  • working out has a great effect on cardiovascular health
  • it can help to increase bone density and improve joint flexibility
  • training regularly lowers the risks of diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and many others
  • exercises can help to reduce stress and improve your sleep
  • it increases energy levels
  • this form of active lifestyle enhances cognitive functions
  • working out helps you stay focused, both during the workout and in work- or personal-related situations
  • exercising can boost your confidence level
  • it can also improve your posture and your metabolism

These are all great examples of why you should start working out aside from weight loss and weight gain.

Weight loss and gain can be your motivation to start a healthy lifestyle, but it is not recommended because it is easier to give up if you do not see the results with these goals set after even a short period of time than it is when you wish to achieve overall wellbeing of your physical and mental health.

Petra Georgina Borbély